Now let's check if our cardano node process is running!
journalctl -u cardano-node.service -f -o cat
We have set up your first relay node!
As a next step - you can do the same for your core/relay server as you need a minimum of 2 servers
1) Relay node, a server that is between your core server and other relay servers, serves as a protection to your core
2) core node (producer): a server which is producing blocks
3) cold PC/hardware wallet: a secure computer on which you are generating Stake Pool Keys and wallets.
Ideally, for each core server, you would have 2 relay servers where they can connect
NEVER, EVER generate your wallet and stake pool keys on your online servers! It's a BAD, BAD practice. Install on your local machine VirtualBox+Ubuntu and do the wallet and key registration (either by hand or using CNTOOLS or Martins SPOS scripts)