when all the certificates and keys are generated, now we have to adjust the launch script on our block producing node
copy following files to your BP server and place them under /home/$USER/cnode/keys/
rename keys to default names so you don't have to edit your script/service config
cd ~/cnode/keys
mv myPool.kes-000.skey myPool.kes.skey
mv myPool.node-000.opcert myPool.node.opcert
# setting read only access to ourselves and restrictin any access for other users
chmod 400 *
there are 2 ways you can launch your node:
launching as a script using tmux (recommended only for testnet or for any other non-production server )
launching as a system service (RECOMENDED on production servers)
create a systemd service configuration file with all the keys and other settings, so the cardano node process will be running in the background: